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Sousa Vibes 

Insight #1: 5 Ways To Live in The Present Moment

Sometimes in life we may be too worried about our futures that we never have time to fully enjoy what we have right in front of us. At other times, we may be fixated on past experiences which ultimately prevent us from living our lives to its' fullest potential. However, one important thing to realize is that we have the power to decide whether or not we want to remain focused on those past experiences. We also have the power to influence how our future will turn out. This power is simply the notion of being mindful of the present moment. Below are a few of the most effective ways that I've found most helpful in keeping my perspective and maintaining my focus on what matters most: the here and now.

1. Take a breather

Sometimes, our lives can be pretty busy with balancing our school, work, and social lives. No matter how many things you may have on your to-do-list, make a solid effort to take at least 20-30 minutes each day and dedicate this time towards doing something that gives you peace of mind. Whether it's listening to music, reading a book, or exercising at the gym, giving yourself "me" time allows you to decompress during the hustle and bustle of the day.

2. In stressful moments just think: Will this really matter in the next 5 years?

When frustrated about a particular aspect of life, whether it be about a grade you received on an exam, a situation that occurred in your work environment, or an argument that has caused conflict amongst your friends/family, just think, in 5 years will this still affect you the way it currently is now? You'll eventually realize that the majority of things that cause you stress aren't even worth stressing over. Recognizing that you are in these situations that you shouldn't be stressing about is the first and most difficult step. So next time you find yourself in a situation like this, ask yourself: Will this really matter in the next five years?

3. Let go of the idea of "winning arguments"

There are so many people in this world that you will eventually disagree with another person. However, don't allow this disagreement to affect your relationship with this person. Be the bigger person by being the first to reach out so that the both of you can work together in settling your differences. Too many times people lose precious time with loved ones just because neither person wants to make the first move. Let go of this concept and realize what's more important here: your relationship with that person. It takes some strength to make this move but once you do two things will happen: 1) You'll feel amazing and 2) The other person will appreciate that you reached out to them.

4. Shift your perspective

Ever find yourself in situations where the outcome is always not what you intended it to be? You may feel as if you did everything right yet somehow something got screwed up and you're not too happy about it. Rather than remaining stuck in this constant loop of negativity, review these experiences with an alternative perspective. Look at what you can gain from them to further improve the quality of your life as oppossed to focusing on the negative outcome of the situation. When you do this you will begin to see that everything happens for a reason and you'll also learn a few things about yourself that you may not have known before. This transition is probably one of the hardest to make however it will only make you a stronger and wiser person. Experience, reflect, and progress.

5. Be intentional in meeting and interacting with others

There are about 7 billion people in the world, all of whom come from different backgrounds and have experienced many things. By meeting new people, we can share experiences and learn from each other. Also, don't forget about the many loved ones that we are all surrounded by; our family and friends. Take that extra step, whatever it may be, to spend some time with the current people in your life as well as taking initiative towards meeting others. You never know what connections you can make or what you could learn from others until you do so.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading through my first official post for my blog! This is also the first post to the start up of my series titled "Insights" in which I will be occassionally writing on some of my experiences and reflections of what I've learned throughout my life. Feel free to comment below about anything, I'd love to further discuss these topics with you all!

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