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Sousa Vibes 

Universal Belief System

During a commercial break for the Patriots game this past Sunday, an interesting story resonated with me that had a very powerful message. The story was a brief commercial created by Amazon titled “A Priest and an Imam meet for a cup of tea”. The commercial provides an interesting perspective that focuses on the similar experiences between a priest and Imam, despite their differences. In a time where our country is feeling a strong sense of division, Amazon did a great job with providing us with an alternative perspective. After watching the commercial below, I challenge you to live with a perspective that focuses on unity. It’s great to have a sense of uniqueness, but don’t allow your differences to deter you from appreciating the beauty of others.

Below the video is a brief quote from the Dalai Lama that I was reminded of after having watched the commercial.

“If we practice religion properly, or genuinely, our religion is not something outside but in our hearts. The essence of any religion is good heart. Sometimes I call love and compassion a universal religion. This is my religion. Complicated philosophy, this and that, sometimes create more trouble and problems. If these sophisticated philosophies are useful for the development of good heart, then good: use them fully. If these complicated philosophies or systems become an obstacle to a good heart then better to leave them. This is what I feel.”

Regardless of your religious beliefs/background, our natural state of being is to love. Acknowledge these differences but most importantly do what all of our belief systems intend for us to do: spread love.

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