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Who is Brandon Sousa?

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Hello world! My name is Brandon Sousa, a man who is determined to make the world a better place by sharing with you what I like to refer to as my "vibes".  With millions of people in this world, we are all somehow unique in our own ways.  This uniqueness stems from what we are interested in, how we carry ourselves, and ultimately, what we put out into the world (our vibes).  However, all of the above is greatly affected by what we are exposed to on a daily basis.  And too often we hear of the negative events occurring in the world.  


We turn on our TV's to do something as innocent as check the weather and instantly we are bombarded with news pertaining to murder, arrests, and violence in general.  We watch an interesting video on Youtube only to find that a heated debate has started within the comments section, resulting in people being disrespectful to each other.  And lastly,  we all have those few people in our lives who always seem to find a way to complain about something which brings us down to their level.  These are only a few examples of the many brief moments that we are exposed to negativity on a daily basis.  These brief moments are all it takes for us to transition from having a good day to a bad day.  And with that transition, whether we recognize it or not, our vibes that we emit out into the world also become negative.  As a result, our self-projection to the world is on the same frequency of that negativity that we have been exposed to.  However, all of this can solved with one decision: perspective.


You can choose to focus on the negative that exists within life.  Or, you can choose to admire the many more positive aspects of life.  All it takes is a slight shift in mindset to open up a world of endless possibilities.  And that is what my main goal for this website is: to spread positive vibes that transform our understanding of the world around us.  Some of you may resonate more with reading an article whereas some of you may find that the music I post provides you with the best uplifting feeling.  Ultimately, I want you all to turn to these various outlets of expression so that your internal being can be altered to a state of positivity.  As a result, I hope that you will fulfill the one major responsibility that we all have in this world: spreading these positive vibes to others.  By sharing what has restored and maintained our positive mindsets, we can allow others to experience this same feeling.  At the same time, we are sending out to the world our own vibes that culminate to create our unique selves.


I want to sincerely thank you all for taking the time to read through my bio and hope that you all benefit, in one way or another, from what I post here on my blog! Go out into the world and realize that there is so much of life to enjoy!  



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